Christian Rehab in North-West of Russia

Norwegian builders help renovate "House of Hope"

Center in Luga
Center in Volhov
Center in Tihvin
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Trip to Luga, March 2-4, 2007
Delivering food to Novgorod -- June 21-22, 2007
Baptism in Central Baptist Church, Saint-Petersburg, June 24, 2007
REGIONS - Kemerovo
Expedition to Pskov region -- December 7-9, 2007
Norwegian builders help renovate "House of Hope"

It all started in April 2007, when a group of Christians from Norway, coming to Russia with "Si-REISER" tourist company, for the first time visited that building in the village of Druzhnoselje, which we hoped to get for the purpose of starting a Rehabilitation center for men.

They have arrived with in two buses and first of all looked around to investigate more thoroughly what the building looked like.


They saw a house basicly ready, but still needing quite an amount of renovation.


Much of the infrastructure was either lacking or very, very insufficient. For example, this is how an electrical oulet looked like - the only one on the second floor.


Well, the leaders looked around, discussed something, ...


And then at the meeting outside of the house they have presented the money to Vladimir Ezhov, Director of Rehabilitation ministry over North-West region, and said that they would be glad to also help us renovate the building.


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