Christian Rehab in North-West of Russia

Expedition to Pskov region (page 2)

Center in Luga
Center in Volhov
Center in Tihvin
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Trip to Luga, March 2-4, 2007
Delivering food to Novgorod -- June 21-22, 2007
Baptism in Central Baptist Church, Saint-Petersburg, June 24, 2007
REGIONS - Kemerovo
Expedition to Pskov region -- December 7-9, 2007
Norwegian builders help renovate "House of Hope"

So, we have continued our way...


Finally we have arrived in the house of a pastor. He and his family has moved from Bryansk to start a Church in this city.


A meal was ready in the room where normally there would be Church services held on Sundays. A text across the wall stated: "and it was good of you to come". After a short brainstorm we figured out that it was a direct quotation from Acts 10:33, which was truly a good verse for a new Church plant.


During the meal we got aquainted with the host pastor...


And then we proceded with him to a far away village where he is also holding meetings. Our van turned into a strategic planning headquarters, and we have been thinking and praying and dreaming about all the possibilities, of what can be done for the Lord in the region.




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